With a brand new design, layout and page transitions, your sure to enjoy all the dog sounds and ringtones.
Yes, we have dog ringtones and theres NO e-mail required to download ringtones. Follow our in-app instructions to sync with iTunes and bark away!
Weve also included 5 additional, BONUS musical dog ringtones in this jam-packed app!
Theres plenty of Dogs, Dogs, Dogs and more Dogs! Have fun with your friends and make them go crazy with this app!
With Dogs Gone WILD, youll get many different styles of dog sound effects and music dogs trying to sing. These include barks, whimpers, cries, yelps and the best of all "Dogs Mating Season!" Weve mixed some fun and exciting electronic music with our dogs and their squeaky toys.
These are sure to make you laugh and cry. What more can we say about the cutest and most loveable pets on earth.
** Make sure your device is NOT muted to hear audio.